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Hold Off on Lawn Watering — We’re Still In Stage 1

Watering Day Determined by AddressWant to get your spring lawn off to a healthy start? Then let the hoses and sprinklers collect a few more cobwebs.

Even though things are starting to green up, most turf grasses don’t hit their growing season stride until April. If you start watering too early, the weeds will certainly get a boost, but your lawn won’t benefit much at all.

Plus, once-a-week Stage 1 watering rules are still in effect.

It’s all good news for your grass and your pocketbook. Since SAWS water rates are tiered, the more you use the more it costs per gallon. That could cause a big jump in your bill if you water too much or too early.

For more ways to reduce outdoor water costs and still have the prettiest yard on the block, visit GardenStyleSA.com. Not sure which day to water? Learn all about the Stage 1 rules at saws.org/WhenToWater.