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Recent rain didn’t wash away Stage 2 watering rules

Daylight saving time ended in March — did you remember to “spring forward” the clock on your irrigation system?

Replace the back-up batteries if it’s been a while and, most importantly, make sure the time is set to water only on your watering day during the 7-11 hours.

Hand-wateringUnder Stage 2, landscape watering with a sprinkler, irrigation system or soaker hose is allowed only from 7-11 a.m. and 7-11 p.m., one day a week, based on the last number of your street address. You can still hand-water with a hose-end nozzle any time.

Stage 2 watering rules are being enforced. Follow them and you’ll avoid a citation.

Remember to visit GardenStyleSA.com for weekly watering advice and landscaping tips to keep your yard thriving.